Stavanger & Pulpit Rock

The main reason we traveled to Stavanger was to hike Preikestolen or Pulpit Rock. Nikki is a hiking pro more or less. In the sense that she normally doesn’t complain as loud as I and can walk up a mountain without dry heaving and gasping for air, unlike myself. Hiking Pulpit Rock gave me anxiety the night before because I was legit terrified I was going to collapse and die on a Norweigan mountain. Spoiler alert: I survived!

We were only in Stavanger for the hike: Preikestolen, a quick little jog up a mountain between traveling to Oslo and Bergen. I am in no way a hiker but if you’re curious to check out my Norway Hiking Guide to see how I survived!

Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norway

Hiking Pulpit Rock

It was July, which means that there were few hours of darkness but luckily our adorable accommodation (like most houses within this unfortunate latitude are equipped with strong blinds so that 3AM sunrise doesn’t wake you up). I researched just about every page on Google about this hike. From snacks to bring, the difficulty of the hike, length of hike, needlessly to say I was a tad bit nervous. Disclaimer, at the time (eh who am I kidding, still today too), I wasn’t the greatest hiker or in the greatest shape of life and the four hours with a steady incline and difficulty of seven, scared me. My mind was racing for hours, what snacks should I bring, I wonder if Norway sells protein bars, what is protein, I wonder how they make protein bars, where do all the wrappers go, they should make fewer wrappers, I wonder who the garage man in here, I wonder if his name is Leif or Kristoffer. Ah. Go. To. Sleep. Naturally 🙄.

Today is the DAY! Wake up. Get dressed. Layer up. Get breakfast. Fill up water bottles. Grab Snacks. Walk to Pier. Buy ROUND TRIP ticket. (Unless you plan on staying on the other side and camping). ASK and ask again what time the boat comes back. Ask one more time, especially if you aren’t prepared to camp. Meet new friends. Hope on the ferry. Ferry across. Hop off. CLLIIIIIMMMMBBBB up a Norwegian mountain.

13658947_10154147228516210_3300882081812309116_nthumb_IMG_1309_1024thumb_IMG_1371_1024thumb_IMG_1322Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norway_1024Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norway13615400_10154147228016210_1288526790356731220_n13690839_10154147228246210_2215008349037915000_nthumb_IMG_1320_1024IMG_1387thumb_IMG_1338_1024IMG_1425IMG_5026Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, NorwayStavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norwaythumb_IMG_1360_1024thumb_IMG_1374_1024thumb_IMG_1379_1024thumb_IMG_1382_1024

Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norway

The Town of Stavanger:

Sverd i fjell 

Directly translate to Sword in Rocks, which is exactly what it is: three bronze swords towering at 10 meters (33ft) tall. Designed by sculptor Fritz Røed in 1983, these three swords commemorate the Battle of Hafrsfjord of 872. This is when King Harald Fairhair obtained all of Norway under one crown. The tallest and largest sword represent Harald himself, while the two smaller swords represent the defeated kings. Not only do these swords represent victory, they are symbolic of peace. Once planted into a solid rock formation and therefore may never be removed. thumb_IMG_1391_1024Stavanger Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norway

 See you next time Stavanger ✌🏽

Be sure to check out my hiking guide to hiking in Norway! Would love to hear your experiences and stories about the hikes you’ve done in Norway!! More to add to my bucket list!

Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | NorwayGuide to Hiking in Norway


Have you been to Stavanger? Or hiked in Norway? I would love to hear your stories! Your favorite hikes?

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Stavanger & Pulpit Rock | Chasing Krista | Stavanger, Norway


36 thoughts on “Stavanger & Pulpit Rock

  1. Eek! I’m going to Stavanger to try this hike next week.. am slightly nervous too, especially because it will probably be snowy and I’m so worried I’ll fall off the cliff haha!! Views look great though, I can’t wait!


  2. I loved reading this! I like going on hikes, but I’m SO terrible with uphill hikes (I guess my lack of exercise in my everyday life is a factor!!) This looks like an amazing experience though – I’ve never been to Norway, but hoping I get a chance to in the next year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet words!!! Yeah, I totally feel you! Told myself I’d get myself a gym membership for Christmas hahaha! I hope you get a chance to go! Norway is just stunning!


  3. This hike looks epic and is on my never ending Norway bucket list. I have been twice already and still have SO much to go back and see! I think next up is Trolltunga for me! Norway is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Isn’t Norway just the best when it comes to hiking? I love the fjords. We did the Trolltunga one (near Bergen) and it was something fantastic. I always wanted to do the Pulpit Rock though, as it is another iconic place. Maybe some other time.


    1. AH you did Trolltunga!? I have been dying to do that one! I tried to do once but my poor geograpically skills I ended up in the wrong city and we were too far! I’ll have to go back and conquer Trolltunga! Would love to read/see your photos of it!!


  5. This place looks gorgeous… love your post and pics. Norway 🇳🇴 on my list and m Godwilling gonna do this 🙂


  6. It looks like you got good weather for the hike! As I wrote on my blog post, I was treated to being inside of a dense cloud for an hour before it cleared and gave me this gorgeous view. I loved it! I spent a day in Stavanger, which was nice. A long day trip from Stavanger is Kjeragbolten – the boulder wedged between two cliffs that you can stand on. I loved that hike!


    1. We did have amazing weather! It started to rain on our way down but we were still running on adrenaline so i don’t think we cared haha! I’ve always wanted to Kjeragbolten, I don’t know if i’d have the courage to stand on the boulder but it would be amazing!!


  7. Wow! This is such a magical place! I fell in love with all of your pictures! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing post!


  8. Wooow!!! This pictures are A -M -A- Z- I- N- G! and the one with you and your friend jumping is the best! But terrifying! (Now I understand why you couldn’t sleep the night before!) , definitely Norway ( and Iceland) is in my bucket list. Thank you for sharing!!


  9. OMG, I NEVER would have been able to do that. I would have been just as nervous as you. However, I wouldn’t have had the courage to do it :(. Were you sore after that hike? The photos are beautiful!


  10. I’ve never seen such amazing views! Jumping pictures look epic with a back ground like that 🙂


  11. That looks like an amazing hike! You guys earned that stunning view from the top!! I want to visit Norway now!


    1. Ahh thank you for your sweet words! I actually didn’t own a GoPro at this time (well I still don’t hahah – but Santa might be bringing me one this holiday season!) do you have one?


  12. I’m with you there. I’m such a bad hiker, always complaining and out of breath. My husband is much better at it. I do love the views though. You take beautiful pictures. I need to bookmark this for later. Norway is officially on my list now! Incredible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Brooke you are too kind! That means so much to me, I greatly appreciate that! And thank goodness i am not the only one, like im the hiker that dramatically lies in the dirt gasping for air HAHA 😂! I hope you get to one day!


  13. Okay, so after reading this, I NEED to go to Norway. Before, it was just a “eh, I’d like to go there someday…” but now….it’s a bit more serious. hahaha

    That hike looked intense, and so gorgeous!! I recently climbed Mt. Fuji, and the views don’t even come close to the ones here. ahh so beautiful.


    1. you NEEEEED to go to Norway! It is probably one of my favorite places in the world! I’m glad you are thinking more about it hehe!!

      MT FUJI?! that is AWESOME! That hike is also on my hiking bucket list, I would love to do that one day!!


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