
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the name Lucerne is the cheese, cheese from Switzerland. For all the cheese lovers out there, that alone should be enough to convince you to head into the heart of Switzerland. Right in between Bern and Zürich it is the perfect place to have a mini layover and eat some cheese.

Switzerland has an incredible train system and its website,apps and in person ticketing machines are super user-friendly, so even the tech-challenge won’t have a problem mapping out their way to Lucerne.
Zürich to Lucerne: ~50 minutes and roughly €13
Bern to Lucerne: ~1.5 hours and roughly €20

explore the website and/or app because you can buy train tickets that go through certain locations, for example: if heading from Geneva to Zürich, you can choose to have stops in Bern and Lucerne


This iconic bridge, built-in 1333, is the most recognizable (because it is the first thing you see from the main train station) piece of architecture in Lucerne, it crosses over the Reuss River into the heart of the city. It was sadly destroyed in a fire and reconstructed in 1994. Take a stroll along the bridge to discover the secrets inside.img_0637img_0716

Hofkirche St. Leodegar // Church of St. Leodegar
The church came first then the city. Hofkirche St. Leodgar was founded in the 8th century as part of the monastery which later in part founded the city of Lucerne.

Visit the Lion Monument
Mark Twain once said that this lion depicts “the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world,” the lion is a symbol of the bravery of Swiss soldiers in 1792 during the French Revolution.

Don’t forget to just wander around the streets, the tend to be quite magical and who knows what you’ll find.


One thought on “Lucerne

  1. Switzerland is so beautiful. Haven’t made it to Lucerne yet though. Love that Lion sculpture and agree with Mark Twains assessment.


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