Exploring Oslo


Exploring Norway’s capital: Oslo

Norway is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever had the privilege to visit.Β  The people, the culture, and the landscapes are incredible. If you are planning on visiting certain cities within Norway, I would recommend spending a day or two exploring Oslo.

Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Oslo is the capital of Norway, a very populated city, home to 40 islands, 343 lakes, and a huge green forest: Oslomarka. Sitting on the country’s south coast at the top of the Oslofjord, it is known for its specific Scandinavian architecture, barbaric history of the Vikings, being chilly and pricey.Β If you are planning on spending a few days in the capital, here are some things you can’t miss.

First, get there. I am a huge fan of Norwegian Air. Use them, you won’t be disappointed. Or I’ll fly to Norway and buy you a cup of coffee and waffles myself. Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Oslo Opera House

The home to the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet and is free to walk into and on top of. Yes, on top of. Despite being told by so many museums and opera houses “Do Not Touch, Climb, Sit” this opera house encourages people to walk on the roof. It began construction in 2003 and was inspired by Norwegian nature. The roof of the building is said to resemble an iceberg jetting out of a fjord.
Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Stortinget / Parliament House

This impressive French and Italian styled building was designed in 1860 byΒ Swedish architect Emil Victor Langlet. Stortinget, as the building is called, is translated to “the great thing” or “the great assembly”. However today the Stortinget is not being used as the actual house of Parliament for Norway government due to its size and the growth but free tours run daily for those that wish to take a peek into the governmental history of Norway.

Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, NorwayExploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, NorwayExploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Visit the Royal Palace

Government-wise, Norway is a constitutional Monarchy, meaning they have a parliament and a king & queen. The royal palace is where the king and queen reside. Built in 1824, this palace is a symbol of Norwegian history, although King Oscar I was the first royal to actually use the palace for kingly issues in 1849. During the summertime non-royal members (like you and I) are permitted to tour the grounds for one hour and twenty minutes for about $17 or 135 NOK. If you are into pretending that you are a member of royalty and waltzing through the corridors of a palace is something you dream of, then I’d recommend it. Otherwise, a stroll along the outside and gardens should fulfill those royal dreams.Β Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, NorwayExploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Frogner andΒ Vigeland Park

Wandering through Oslo, you’ll eventually come upon a large green space filled with sculptures. This green space is Oslo’s largest: Frogner Park. The art pieces within the park are a part of Vigeland Sculpture Park. You may have heard of this park before, for its exquisite designs of human beings throughout the path of life or for its strange depiction of human beings traveling through life. An angry stomping baby, a tower of 121 humans, these are just two of 200 art pieces that were designed by sculptor Gustav Vigeland himself between 1939 and 1949. This particular park is the worlds largest sculptor park by a single artist.


Viking Ship Museum:

Sail back in time, to a land where the fierce Vikings plunder their rule through seas, blessed by the God of Γ†gir, the Vikings ravished a period of time in our history. You get the chance to see what they used to ravish the seas. The Viking Ship Museum is currently home to three historical boats: the Tune, which was found in 1867 and the first Viking ship to be revealed. The Gokstad, which was discovered in 1879 on a farm and is also the world’s best preserved Viking Ship. Lastly the Viking ship, the Oseberg, which was made from oak in the year 820. It is an incredible experience to see something that conquered the sea THAT long ago.

Exploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

Exploring Oslo |

Wander the streets of Oslo

From shopping to food to architecture, Oslo’s streets are filled with goodies. Spend a few hours just wandering around, getting lost and enjoying all that the city offers.


Fun fact: ☝🏼 the famous Norwegian Expressionist artist Edvard Munch and his depiction of ‘The Scream’ is the vantage point ofΒ Oslo’s neighborhood Ekeberg.

Cruise the Oslofjord

Hop on the Oslo Ferry and take a cruise to the neighboring islands! There are a total of seven islands in the Oslofjord, each having their own little personality and history. With your Oslo Pass or regular transportation ticket, you can hop on and off the ferry between these islands. The ferry departs from City Hall Pier 3.

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Until next time Oslo ✌️

Have you been to Oslo? Or Norway? What was your favorite thing to do in the city?

Other Suggestions that I didn’t get the chance to explore:

  • Holmenkollen Olympic Ski Museum & Tower
  • Munch Museum
  • Fram Museum
  • National Gallery of Oslo
  • Akershus Fortress Oslo
  • Wander through neighborhoods:Β Damstredet and Telthusbakken

Secrets to Know:

  • Oslo isΒ not cheap, so if you are on a budget, plan accordingly. Grocery shops, hostels, free activities are a great place to start.
    • Alcohol is expensive in Norway, you can purchase beer at 18 and the rest at 20
  • I would highly recommend getting an Oslo Pass; it is super helpful for activities and transportation
  • if you decide not to get an Oslo Pass, take advantage of the public transportation around the city
  • Bring a scarf, it will be cold
  • If Oslo is your only destination and you have time to spare, explore the neighboring areas; Lilliehammer, Bergen,Β Holmenkollen and so much more!

how to spend you time inExploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, NorwayExploring Oslo | Chasing Krista | Oslo, Norway

48 thoughts on “Exploring Oslo

  1. I’ve always wanted to go to Oslo. The architecture looks incredible! That park with the sculptures looks a bit sexual to me?! Haha. I’d love to cruise around the surrounding islands. Great guide!


  2. Unfortunately, we haven’t been to Oslo ( yet πŸ˜‰ ) Oslo and Norway overall is high on our bucket list tho… Would love to do a massive road trip all the way to the top of Norway and definitely start our trip in Oslo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Norway is a beautiful country. But never thought the capital Oslo have these much attractions. The post gives a good insight of how to spend two days in the capital, Oslo. The pictures are amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oslo is so pretty. I went many years ago and my fondest memory is the Holmenkollen Ski Museum. At the time I was following ski jumping with a passion so that makes sense. πŸ™‚


  5. I love your pictures, they are great! I would love to see that Viking ship, that looks awesome. Norway hasn’t really been on my radar, but I definitely need to reconsider that!


  6. Loved reading your honest account of Oslo. My husband and I are looking at taking a trip to Norway and have been considering how much time to spend in Oslo – sounds like 2 days maybe plenty before heading off to explore the country.


  7. To be honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of some of the bigger, and more popular cities- I’ve always thought places like Paris, Rome, and Beijing were quite average πŸ™‚ So I completely understand when you say you aren’t too big of a fan of Oslo. Though it is quite beautifull!


    1. I completely agree! I mean I loved Paris and Rome and Beijing but the tiny cities right outside of the big cities or the cities and towns lost up in the mountainside is where the real charm and personality is!


  8. I’ve seen posts about Oslo before, but your photography of the details was great! Thanks!! I love all things Vikings too, so Oslo is on my bucket list.


  9. This is awesome!! Oslo is top of my travel list at the moment – thinking of spending a few days there, then taking the train to Bergen and doing the same there. I can’t wait, and this has just made me want to do it more!


  10. Even if you did not enjoy Oslo as much as other areas you have travelled you still made Oslo look pretty amazing in your photo’s πŸ™‚ I would love to be able to stroll in the park with all the human depicted statues.


  11. Norway is high on my bucket list of places to visit, but mostly for the fjords and landscapes. I appreciate your honestly about Oslo but also the run down of things to do!


    1. The fjords and landscape of Norway are what keeps me coming back! Mother Nature never ceases to surprise me with her beautiful while up int he mountains of Norway! Just stunning 😍


  12. I am always a bit sad when I hear people are not impressed by Oslo. I love that city, so much that I chose to do my exchange semester at uni there. The rest of Norway is hands down too beautiful to describe, but even if not as jaw-dropping as the rest, I still think Oslo is beautiful. Too bad you missed seeing the fjord from high up at Frognerseteren, it’s gorgeous there!


    1. I still really love Oslo and would, of course, go back! I just know that Norway has SOOO many beautiful places that I have yet to explore, like the Frognerseteren! But I have a feeling I’ll be back to Norway one day!


  13. Oh, man. Krista, this was a great reminder that I need to do some traveling in Scandinavia. Your photos from the Oslofjord are inspiring some serious wanderlust over here. I knew Norway was an expensive destination, so I appreciated your tips for staying within budget when visiting Oslo. I mean, that’s some pretty pricey beer! But, wandering around a city is free, and from your photos it seems like there is plenty to see in Oslo.


    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words! I am glad I could inspire your wanderlust πŸ˜€ That makes me super happy hehe!! Wandering aimlessly around the city is the best thing to do and its FREE! Hopefully you will get to go in the near future!!


  14. The Sculpture Park looks both eerie and astonishing. And that Viking ship is really preserved well. You can’t tell on first glance that it was built 820 years ago!


  15. What I love about Norway is that if you take one step outside of the city centers, you will be blown away by the beautiful nature and typical Norwegian houses πŸ™‚ Oslo is a great place for exploring but definitely not cheap haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Oslo looks beautiful and I would looooove to go sometime! The architecture looks amazing and the streets look perfect for wandering. Thanks for this guide, will keep it handy!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. This is such a detailed write up on the locations to go in Oslo. Hope I will be able to drop by one day to experience this. The world is just toooo big.

    Liked by 1 person

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