A long weekend in Kiev: A Must-List

I never thought that I would visit Ukraine before moving to Europe. I couldn’t tell you much about the country either; maybe just pierogies and Chernobyl. Luckily, Katy (@katy_running_wild) has Ukraine in her blood and visiting her heritage land was something she always wanted to do.
Despite, not knowing much about this part of Europe or Ukraine in general, I highly recommend adding Kiev, Ukraine to your bucket list and let the city surprise you in so many ways. With a clash of cultures from Western Europe and the Russian influence, the architecture and history will bring your history books to life; the food will make your taste bud boogie and the people will surprise you.


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Personally, I would recommend going in April. The weather is April-like (comfortable in a sweater) and Easter is a large celebration throughout Ukraine, being in the city during these festivities was an experience and the event calendar is buzzing! Air Baltic is an excellent flight source, they are a gem with great prices and awesome staff. 

We stayed at the futurists and space-like looking hostel: Hostel Veselka; affordable, centrally located (hard to find at first), good security and kind staff (English wasn’t a commonality but we figured it out), BUT you have to climb climb climb climb a lot of stairs. 

*free walking tour
*find the straw cat
*eat pierogies and order something random
*participate in the local activities
*pay your respects and marvel at the architecture of the vast amount of churches 


Free Walking Tour! Meets at 12:00 and 16:00 in Independence Square, near the mail office, right next to the huge globe on a stick. They may be late; but the tour is worth it.
The two tours show two completed different paths. We opted for the 12:00 one which includes:  Independence Square, St Michael’s Cathedral, St Andrew’s Church, St Sophia Cathedral, Golden Gate, National Opera, House of Teachers and Monument to the First Kiev Tram. (More or less, subject to change because of weather and such.)

Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine
Street Views
Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine
Independence Square


Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine

St Michael’s Cathedral:
Built by Prince Sviatopolk in 1108, destroyed by the Soviets in 1930, reconstructed in 2000. With its glittering golden domes and sky blue exterior St. Michael’s Cathedral is impossible to ignore.

Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine


Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


St Andrew’s Church:
Is a baroque-styled church (found in the oldest of neighborhoods Podil) designed by Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli, built in 1754. Rarely enough, this particular church managed to avoid being seriously damaged or reconstructed throughout the years of turmoil.

Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine
St. Andrew’s Church


St. Sophia’s Church:
Built in 1037, St. Sophia’s is Kiev’s oldest (still standing) church. The grand architecture was designed by Prince Yaroslav to commemorate a victory and to glorify Christianity.



Golden Gate:
Constructed in 1017-1024, the gate was the main entrance inside Kiev.

Golden Gate – entrance to Kiev



National Opera House:
Established in 1867 and still hold events today.

Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine

End of the walking tour:
Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine


Since there isn’t much to do in the capital, Kiev, on day two and three we slept in, relaxed and just repeated the walking tour. Going around and round wandering everywhere we could and took more photos; stopping to admire the HUGE hand painted eggs all around the city, bought some cookies, tradional head-bands, visited the friendship arch with my main squeeze (@katy_running_wild), eat some cherry pierogies and had a photoshoot.


Kiev was beyond our egg-spectation, we were truly egg-citing and egg-static filled with energy and vibrant, bold and egg-splosive colors. Kiev you are egg-ceptional.



if you guys make it to this point (gee golly, thanks, I’m blushing – hope it was helpful/entertaining), find @katy_running_wild on the insta insta  and comment on her photo that she is “egg-cellent :D”


Have you been to Kiev, Ukraine? What did you think? Anything you would recommend or advise to new travelers?

Kiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, UkraineKiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, UkraineKiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, UkraineKiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, UkraineKiev | Chasing Krista | Kiev, Ukraine

33 thoughts on “A long weekend in Kiev: A Must-List

  1. Thank you very much for such a vivid and joyful review post of my favorite city – Kyiv! And you, girls, are awesome!
    Welcome back to Ukraine!


  2. Hey Krista, we meet here again after instagram! (Hope you remember me) You girls both have such a cute smile. You have attached excellent photos and thanks for the detailed information. Once I am in the city, I would love to munch on the food and live in one of those sci-fi type hotels!!


    1. Thanks so much! The food was incredible, I was hesitant at first because of some the combinations seemed different from what I am used to but oh man! NOM! Cherry dumplings and cream cheese was my favorite!


  3. Kiev looks like such a colorful and cute city! I’ve been dying to go. When I make it over I’ll definitely have to use this as a guide 🙂


    1. You have to check it out, I was surprised how much I liked it! I can’t wait to get back one day! Aww that is so thoughtful of you, thanks so much! I really appreciate that, hopefully it is helpful!


  4. This is my first time to read about Kiev and to virtually see the beauty of the place through your breathtaking pics. One of the destinations I would love to go to the next year.


    1. Aww wow, thank you so much for your sweet words! I am glad my pictures can show some of the beauty that Kiev has to offer! You should definitely go, I would love to see your pictures!


  5. Let me confess that I have never heard of a place named Kiev and neither had I consider Ukraine as a tourist destination. Your post came as a surprise. The cathedrals are breathtaking with all the jewel-like adorations and the painted eggs totally stole my heart. So, there goes another entry in my long list of Must visit locations.


  6. Kiev is indeed a revelation. Do not get to see too many posts on Ukraine and hence this comes as breath of fresh air. I love the pics of the Independence Square, this looks so magnificent.


  7. Such a vibrant and gorgeous city. The colors are so stunning here. St. Andrew’s church looks so gorgeous, I bet it was even more so from inside. And the egg-citing day of yours seems like just the perfect way to let your hair down. Lovely write up and pics


  8. Ukraine is quite an under rated destination. One of my Indian friends was in Ukraine and she told me how affordable it is. Your blog makes me want to visit it asap. The architecture as seen in your pictures is outstanding.


    1. I totally agree, more people need to travel to Eastern Europe! it is truly beautiful out there and Ukraine was more than a delight!! I’m glad I could be your inspiration! hopefully you get a chance to go one day!!


  9. Feeling kinda sad. They didn’t let me in into Ukraine because I have Russian passport… I have many friends there, pity cannot visit them 😦


  10. Wow, Ukraine looks really amazing. I have always wondered about visiting the country. Will definitely return back to your post if I decide to go someday!


    1. The eggs caught us as a surprise, we walked into the square and were like “uhh what is happening” “ohh easter” haha! a delightful surprise! I loved taking photos of them! Thanks Tanya!


  11. I have wanted to visit the Ukraine for a while and this is a good insight. I always think that countries with very cold winters often have really energetic spring festivals and this looks like one of them! Amazing photos of the architecture and eggs too!


    1. Hey Dan! thanks for that! I completely agree, I feel like they don’t get a lot of tourism in the cold months (which is a shame really because snow can be beautiful) so come springtime they are busting with excitement!


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