Icelandic Layover

How to Make the Most of your Icelandic Layover

Way way waaaay up north, past the unknown territories of Canada, through the icebergs of the Arctic Circle, lies the volcanic land, the original home of the Vikings, thought to be covered in ice: Icelandia.

Icelandic Layover | Chasing Krista | Iceland

Icelandic Air offers its passengers a chance to break free from the airport during a layover and explore their beautiful country. We allotted 10 hours to basically soak in water after flying for ten hours with four more to go. A 10-hour layover is not enough time to explore Iceland, but it is enough to spend lounging in the Blue Lagoon.

The most relaxing 10 hour layover | Chasing Krista | Iceland

Despite being an international hotspot for layovers, the airport of Iceland is rather small and easy to maneuver. Follow the crispy air away from the tarmac towards the buses. You’ll find one labeled “Blue Lagoon” buy a ticket, hop on board, and off you go. After only a 30-minute bus ride), you will find yourself deep within this active volcano, a land hidden by rocks covered in soft green moss and tiny splotches of bright purple flowers. Shadowed by some industrial man-made poisonous cloud making machines, lies the infamous: Blue Lagoon.

10 hours well spent.

The most relaxing 10 hour layover | Chasing Krista | Iceland


The most relaxing 10 hour layover | Chasing Krista | Iceland

The most relaxing 10 hour layover | Chasing Krista | Iceland

Have you ever had a stopover in Iceland? What did you do? Blue Lagoon?

Icelandic Layover | Chasing Krista | Iceland

Until Next Time Iceland ✌🏽